
The Sunday School officer, PCC is today 28/06/2024 greeting the synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wurtemberg Germany

Invitation to the meeting of the #StateSynod@elkwue by #SynodalPresident@sabine.foth (Thank you, Sabine! ).

Friendly greeting also from the Presidium by @johannes.eissler

@nkwenti.joseph held a welcome speech and reported on the current situation in #Cameroon.

Meeting with the Old Land Bishop Eberhard Renz and selfie with Bishop @ernstwilhelmgohl

Many nice encounters at the synod in #Stuttgart, among other things also with the representative for partnerships Christine Keim.

All Cameroonian guests wore the button of @bunt_fuers_leben – good that you exist!

Thanks to Prelatin @gabriele. Arnold. 716 for sharpness (she knows what we mean 😉)

After the visit to the synod, a short detour to the new library in Stuttgart. Thanks to Agnes for the tip! @wa_wue

Thanks to @veigelalexander for organizing this.


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